Fit for 55, climate targets made law

Fit for 55, climate targets made law

This is a set of proposals that aims to adapt EU legislation to the 2030 climate target

Is it too ambitious this target? At first glance it may seem so, but with the Fit for 55 package the European Commission aims to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. Its aim is to adapt European policies and legislation to fit this process, thanks to a balanced framework that ensures a fair and equitable transition.

This plan was presented in 2021, but it is in June 2022 that it has made a more specific approximation to existing legislation, which is also aligned with the objectives of the European Green Deal and of achieving a climate-neutral EU by 2050.

Fit for 55 on the environment

Although this climate objective is linked to all areas, Fit for 55 has more work to do in the areas of environment, energy and transport.

These are the specific areas where legislative proposals are being designed in the environmental area:

· The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS): reducing CO2 emissions in the sectors covered by this system to 61%.

· The regulation of climate effort sharing, to cover sectors not covered by the ETS.

· Land use and forestry (LULUCF): the overall target is to reduce 310 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in this sector, representing a 15% increase in emission reductions compared to today.

· The Carbon Frontier Adjustment Mechanism: to avoid risks of carbon leakage and increased emissions beyond EU borders due to the possible relocation of production to other countries with less climate control, or increased imports of carbon-intensive products.

· The development of a Social Climate Fund for the period 2027-2022 to support the most vulnerable citizens.

Targets in transport

Clear transport targets have also been set:

· Alternative fuels infrastructure, to ensure that the public has access to a sufficient infrastructure network to recharge or refuel road vehicles or ships with alternative fuels.

· Implementing FuelEU Maritime, a proposal to encourage the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport.

· Boosting the decarbonisation of air transport through ReFuelEU Aviation, a proposal to increase both demand for and supply of sustainable aviation fuels, including synthetics.

· CO2 emission standards for cars and vans: reduce CO2 emissions to 55% and 50% respectively by 2030, and reduce CO2 emissions for new cars and vans by 100% by 2050.

Energy and energy efficiency

Finally, Fit for 55 also includes energy saving and efficiency measures:

· Energy taxation: the idea is to align the taxation of energy products and electricity in each Member State with general EU policies.

· Renewable energy: a binding EU-wide target of 40% of energy from renewable sources in the overall energy mix by 2030 has been set. (the current EU target is at least 32%).

· Energy efficiency: it has been agreed to reduce final energy consumption by 36% and primary energy consumption by 39% by 2030.

Thus, Fit for 55 increases the target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions at EU level from 29% to 40% compared to 2005, and updates national targets accordingly. The calculation method for determining national targets continues to be based on GDP per capita, with a limited amount of specific corrections to respond to cost-effectiveness issues.