Le budget du deuxième volet du programme EU4Health s’élève à 44 millions d’euros

Le budget du deuxième volet du programme EU4Health s’élève à 44 millions d’euros

Qu'est-ce que le programme EU4Health ?

Une réponse « ambitieuse » à la crise sanitaire générée par le COVID-19. C’est ainsi que l’Union européenne définit le nouveau programme EU4Health, approuvé en mars dernier et doté d’un budget de 5 100 millions d’euros. Il s’agit du plus grand programme de santé de l’histoire en termes financiers, qui fournira un soutien aux pays de l’UE, aux organisations de santé et aux ONG.

Les quatre principaux objectifs du programme sont :

  1. Améliorer et promouvoir la santé de l’Union européenne
  2. Faire face aux menaces transfrontalières pour la santé
  3. Améliorer les médicaments, les dispositifs médicaux et les produits pertinents pour palier la crise du COVID-19
  4. Renforcer les systèmes de santé, leur résilience et l’efficacité des ressources

Quels sont les thématiques du deuxième volet du programme EU4Health ?

Le deuxième volet d’appels à projets dans le cadre du programme de travail 2021 a été publié en octobre. Les sujets vont des données de santé aux modes de vie sains, aux infections, à la santé mentale, au cancer, et à la génomique, entre autres.

Voici les 13 appels à projets publiés :

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022


This consortium will design, develop, deploy and operate a network of nodes (representing different data brokers, holders and data consumers) federated by central services that may be provided by the European Commission.

This pilot will demonstrate and prove the value of an infrastructure and data ecosystem for the reuse of health data and assess the ability to scale towards a Union-wide infrastructure, as a core component of the European Health Data Space.

data, health, infraestructure, research, policy-making

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The aim of the action is to increase awareness, knowledge sharing and capacity building in the area of mental health.

mental health, covid, impact, best practices

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The aim of the action is to contribute to the implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which aims to support Member States’ efforts to extend the roll-out of routine HPV vaccination of girls and boys to eliminate cervical cancer and other cancers caused by HPV in the coming decade.

vaccination, cervical cancer, human papillomavirus

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The ‘HealthyLifestyle4All’ is an initiative, which will build upon the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle. The aim of this initiative will be to promote healthy lifestyles in the Union, in particular amongst children, and its scope will be widened to involve various Commission services, civil society organisations and the Member States.

healthy, lifestyles, school, best practices

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The action aims to reduce the risk of liver cancers associated with infections caused by the Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses and the risk of gastric cancers caused by Helicobacter pylori.

liver, gastric, cancer, infections, helicobacter, pylori

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The ‘EU Cancer Treatment Capacity and Capability Mapping’ action aims to map and share the different capabilities and expertise available across the Union.

cancer treatment, comprehensive cancer, centres

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The aim of the action is to improve the quality of life and health status of cancer survivors, and to address their potential needs through the development and support for the wide use of new approaches to communication.
A ‘Cancer Survivor Smart Card’ will link with a ’resource’ function to give access to best practices, guidelines and recommendations specifically targeted to cancer survivors, with a view to helping them to address or to connect with professionals in different areas, to deal with the most common issues that survivors face, such as insufficient management of late and long-term effects of treatment, unmet psychosocial needs, self-management, pain management, and issues related to rehabilitation, emotional distress, tumour recurrence and metastatic disease.

cancer survivor, smart card, communication

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The action aims at strengthening and supporting community-based service organisations in the Member States and neighbouring countries in the implementation of people-centre effective and integrated interventions, as well as linkage to care amongst groups at high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections. It will also directly contribute to national programmes and public health measures, thus, supporting the implementation of internationally agreed goals.

community, services, human immunodeficiency, syndrome AIDS, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

This action aims to support enhanced hospital and long-term care facilities infection prevention and control practices, as well as antimicrobial stewardship practices, and the development of best practices and implementation at all levels. It supports the commitment in the EU One Health Action Plan against AMR for the Commission to help to address patient safety in hospitals by supporting good practices in infection prevention and control and antimicrobial stewardship.

training activities, best practices, health, AMR, antimicrobial resistance

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The new ‘Cancer Diagnostic and Treatment for All’ initiative, and the ‘Genomic for Public Health’ project will help Member States to improve access for individuals and cancer patients and survivors to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through personalised medicine, by upscaling available innovation in the field of innovative cancer diagnosis and treatment.

cancer, personalised treatment, diagnostic, genetic

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

The aim of the action is to identify potential viable effective anti-cancer drugs by making use and piloting ‘in-silico drug repurposing’ including by upscaling available innovation using advanced computing and the new big-data technologies and high-performance computing while reducing timeframes and development costs.

cancer, drugs, therapy

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022
Status: Open

This action will aim to collect and organise in registries data on the safety, quality and efficacy of therapies applied in the field of medically assisted reproduction (MAR) and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

data, therapies, assisted reproduction, stem cells

Opening date: 14/10/2021
Deadline: 25/01/2022

The aim of this action is to improve access to and understanding of risk factors and health determinants to improve health outcomes for cancer.

cancer, prevention, health,