Cascade funding: 81 calls to boost your innovation
Innovation ecosystems are environments where businesses, public and private institutions, universities, and research organizations collaborate to promote the development of innovation. Cascade funding calls are a public funding mechanism that allows businesses to access European funds through projects funded by the European Union, thus fostering the creation of new innovation ecosystems.
What is cascade funding?
Cascade funding is a public funding mechanism that allows businesses to access European funds through projects funded by the European Union. These projects, in turn, can publish open calls to obtain more funds.
The objectives of cascade funding are:
- To support the development of innovation in SMEs and start-ups.
- To promote collaboration between businesses and public and private institutions.
- To boost the competitiveness of European businesses.
The benefits of cascade funding for businesses are:
- Access to public funds to finance their innovation projects.
- Technical and financial support from public and private institutions.
- Opportunities for collaboration with other businesses and organizations.
At Kaila, you can find a number of resources that will help you access cascade funding calls:
- Grants search engine: allows you to find open calls for cascade funding.
- Cascade Funding Calls Calendar: includes a list of all open calls, updated weekly.
- Quick guide to cascade funding: explains how to access this type of funding.
81 open calls
Currently, there are 81 open cascade funding calls. These calls offer funds of between 50,000 and 200,000 euros for innovation projects in different areas, such as technology, healthcare, energy, or the environment. Here are three examples of projects that have recently published cascade funding calls:
- OFFERR | eurOpean platForm For accEssing nucleaR R&d facilities The OFFER project funds nuclear science infrastructure for researchers to use.
- INGENIOUS | Building resilience and accelerating transition to green and digital economy in Energy Intensive Industries Ingenious supports the transformation of energy-intensive industries through innovation.
- STAGE | Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise The STAGE project will help SMEs transition to a sustainable future.
If your company is developing an innovation project, we encourage you to explore the possibility of applying for cascade funding. Download the basic guide and calendar at this link:
Download the Quick Guide to Cascade Funding and Call Calendar