Learn from your competitors with Kaila

Learn from your competitors with Kaila

At Kaila, we are committed to helping you learn from other actors in the innovation ecosystem. To do so, we provide the tools for you to carry out a competitive surveillance, to analyse the activities of similar entities, allowing you to identify good practices, get inspired and devise strategies for improvement.

On our platform, check the pulse of the innovation level of any organisation thanks to our Organisation Reports. In these documents, you will find the innovation programmes in which specific organisations participate, the list of projects in which they are involved, their history and the amount of funding obtained. Enrich your knowledge with information on your competitors’ collaborators, the countries in which they are located, the type of organisations they are…

Furthermore, from 2021, Kaila integrates a powerful, adaptive and autonomous learning recommendations engine, which, in addition to anticipating the user’s needs and interests, will be able to catalyse the connection between the different actors of European innovation.

With Kaila and thanks to its technology watch reports, being aware of your strengths and weaknesses has never been easier. You can obtain these reports in just a few clicks, following this simple tutorial.